Robotic Process Automation Systems Are Presented at ASU

Robotic Process Automation Systems Are Presented at ASU

On November 28, a seminar “RPA: Business Acceleration by Software Robots” was held at the ASU Boiling Point co-working centre. Konstantin Artemiev, the Head of WireGeo company, was the speaker of the workshop.

Improving productivity and efficiency is one of the most important requirements in business, and here RPA — robotics process automation — is the most promising technology for these goals.

According to WireGeo Director-General Konstantin Artemiev, software robots have become one of the most important technological trends of 2019, and in the next two years, the number of projects in the sphere of robotics will grow by 70%. Introduction of robotics process automation may reduce company’s costs by 35-65%.

During the seminar, the participants learnt what RPA is and why businesses need software robots. The speaker also gave examples of using RPA in HR management, primary documentation processing, tenders, finances, customer communication and other business processes.

The second part of the seminar consisted in demonstration of the RPA system.

Directorate of Strategic Development & Priority Programs Realization