Astrakhan State University Holds Legal Dictation

Astrakhan State University Holds Legal Dictation

On December 6, all regions of Russia opened their venues for holding the legal dictation. Astrakhan State University has been the event venue in our city for the third time and brought together more than 500 people.

“Today it is extremely important to know and understand laws, apply them, feel familiar with all their diversity, stand your legal ground in all spheres, from economy to private life. On the one hand, for us it is a great honour to hold the on-site stage of the dictation, and on the other hand, it is also a great responsibility. I hope that you will enjoy your participation in this large-scale event and testing of whether you know laws well and can navigate their system,” said ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, addressing the participants.

The participants are given a test of 40 questions and one hour to complete it. The list of the questions included, among other issues, the following:

  • When was the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?
  • What is the «presumption of innocence»?
  • Who belongs to the category of «compatriots abroad»?
  • Who can’t be put under administrative arrest?
  • In which cases is the act of gift not permitted?

It should be recalled that the main objectives of the dictation are to increase the level of legal culture and motivate the population for studying the law.

Directorate of Information Policy

Source: materials of the project official website