Representatives of Southern Russia’s HEIs Develop a Joint Project in Logistics at ASU

Representatives of Southern Russia’s HEIs Develop a Joint Project in Logistics at ASU

The final stage of the strategic session “Optimization of Logistic Processes” saw the development of a joint scientific and research project, summing up the results and approval of the plan of activities of the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions for 2020.

Prior to the beginning of teamwork activities, Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics of Astrakhan State University Aleksey Rybakov presented his report Mathematical Modeling of Transport Flow along North-South Corridor.

The results of the strategic session were summed up by Vice-Rector for Research Activities of Astrakhan State University Anna Fedotova. In her speech, the Vice-Rector noted that Consortium activities must be transparent, that is why it is necessary to show those projects that can be implemented by the participants, to try and draw attention of industrial partners and government agencies.

In conclusion to the session, Konstantin Markelov thanked the participants for their active position and invited them to take part in the first meeting of the Commission for Science, Technology & Innovations, established within the framework of the 22nd General Assembly of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries. It’s worth recalling that Astrakhan State University, represented by Konstantin Markelov, was approved as the coordinator of the Commission.

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