ASU Scientists Report on Information Dissemination in Virtual Networks in Portugal

ASU Scientists Report on Information Dissemination in Virtual Networks in Portugal

The high-level scientific conference “COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019” took place on December 10-12 in Lisbon, featuring a research team of Astrakhan State University that also presented their report.

The international conference on complex systems and their applications was aimed at uniting researchers from different scientific communities, working in such areas as social reputation, influence and trust; dissemination of information in social media; complex networks and epidemics; signal processing and image recognition; complex networks and CPS / IoT complex networks in medicine; biological and technological networks; rumours and viral marketing in social media.

The event brought together about 470 researchers from different countries, from the USA to Japan. Russia was represented there by several universities — National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, ITMO University and Astrakhan State University.

The ASU team presented their report “Simulation of virtual networks as excitable media: a particular case of a small-world structure”, prepared by Yuri Tarasevich, the Head of the Research Laboratory “Mathematical Modeling & ICT in Science & Education”, Aleksey Rybakov, the Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics, and Anastasya Mikhaylova, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering.

Institute of Physics & Mathematics

Photo: courtesy of the conference participants