Konstantin Markelov: ASU Top Events of 2019

Konstantin Markelov: ASU Top Events of 2019

At the final meeting of the Academic Council, the Rector of Astrakhan State University outlined the most important events of the passing year from his point of view.

In particular, the top list includes:

  • participation of ASU in the World Engineering Competitions and the ultimate victory of Andrey Teteryatnikov, a student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering;
  • work of the ASU delegation at the educational workshops “Island 10-22” and “Winter Island”;
  • opening of the networking space “Boiling Point”;

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  • ASU victory in the competitive selection of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the project “Providing Citizens with Continuing Education Programmes in Educational Institutions That Run Additional Educational Programmes and Vocational Programmes” of the federal project “New Opportunities for Everyone” of the national project “Education” and successful implementation of the project;
  • opening of the centre of continuing advanced training for teaching staff “Teacher of the Future” and the centre for developing competencies in children “House of Scientific Collaboration named after V.K. Trediakovsky”;
  • establishment of the Youth Scientific Project Office;

  • the right to participate in grant programmes of the Potanin Foundation, gained by the university;
  • productive work of the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions, founded in December 2018;
  • activities on the opening of centres of the Uzbek and Turken cultures and languages;
  • holding of large international and regional events;
  • participation of the ASU delegation in the international forum of startups “Slush Helsinki” in Finland;
  • University students’ victory in the all-Russian student competitions “I Am a Professional” and on the regional stage of the Russian national award “Student of the Year 2019”;
  • and a lot more.

Konstantin Markelov has already announced several new projects for 2020, including ASU preparation for the Caspian Scientific Forum, which will be held in October in Azerbaijan, the strategic session on specification of the project of the Caspian Scientific and Educational Centre, establishment of a council of successful alumni of the university, a launch of the HR pool training programme, as well as a series of events for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

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