2019 Results: ASU takes Part in International Forums and Exhibitions

2019 Results: ASU takes Part in International Forums and Exhibitions

Here is the list of top-10 educational and scientific events, featuring representatives of Astrakhan State University in the past year.

1. International investment summit Vibrant Gujarat in India

Vibrant Gujarat is a unique forum for exchange of ideas and knowledge and networking development. The summit traditionally brings together leaders of countries and governments, ministers, heads of global corporations, top officials, heads of international organizations and representatives of scientific community from around the world.

At the summit, ASU came in new fruitful contacts and signed a number of important agreements on the development of the agro-industrial business and technology exchange. The participants also discussed an issue of establishing a department of Russian-Indian studies at ASU.

2. Red Square book festival

On June 1-6 2019, the traditional book festival was held on the main square of Russia. The large exhibition and fair of local lore, art and scientific literature involved more than 300 publishers from different regions of Russia and Belarus. The publishing house “Astrakhan University” also presented their products at the exhibition.

Within the programme of the festival, Dean of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism Lyudmila Kasianova and students presented literary postcards, inspired by works of Velimir Khlebnikov, and held an interactive workshop “Falling in Love with Russian Literature”. Besides, young journalists of our university took part in the coverage of the festival events in mass media.

3. Educational workshop “Island 10-22”

The project, aimed at creation and development of teams of regional universities, took place in July 10-22, 2019 at SKOLKOVO Institute of Science and Technology. The participants, including Astrakhan State University, were offered educational and cultural programmes, work in tracks and lectures. Delegates of our university presented their own projects and took on the role of experts. At the workshop, ASU also met new strategic partners, and Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov signed several agreements and memorandums.

4. First Caspian Economic Forum

In August 2019, Rector of Astrakhan State University took part in the first Caspian Economic Forum in Turkmenistan. He held several business meetings with representatives of public authorities, academic and business communities.

It should be recalled that it was proposed to organize the next Caspian Economic Forum in 2021 in Astrakhan. ASU is ready to be a discussion platform: within the framework of the upcoming event, the university management put forward an initiative to hold the Caspian Scientific Forum.

5. NEVA-2019 International Exhibition

The NEVA exhibition and conference is a platform for development of international and interregional cooperation and for a fruitful dialogue on current issues of civil shipping, entering the top-5 of the global industrial exhibitions. Thousands of people attended the event within two days.

Astrakhan State University presented the regional shipbuilding cluster together with the Centre for Cluster Technologies of Astrakhan region. ASU exhibited high-tech developments, implemented both on its own and in cooperation with leading scientific and research organizations and centres of the region. The list of the ASU projects includes an underwater robot, special-construction vessels (amphibious vehicles) and an offshore multipurpose unmanned platform.

6. 22nd General Assembly of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries

Astrakhan State University Rector Konstantin Markelov and Director of the ASU Department of Social, Political and Economic Research of Eurasia & Orient Rafik Usmanov took part in the 22nd General Assembly of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries on October, 1 in Guilan Province.

At the conference, Konstantin Markelov presented his reports on some prospects of a single information, scientific and educational space of the region and top-priority areas of cooperation in the sphere of marine scientific research in the Caspian sea.

7. Slush Helsinki International Startup Forum

The joint panel of Astrakhan region at Slush Helsinki in Finland, which included some developments of our university as well, had been prepared under support of the Center for Promotion of Export-Oriented Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and ASU Youth Scientific Project Office.

Visitors of the startup festival could have a look at high-tech products of Astrakhan State University, designed for sailors. These devices may replace the human in situations when his/her work is impossible for objective reasons. In particular, Caspy News Start, an industrial partner (spin-off) of ASU, is presenting its amphibious hover craft.

8. 5th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok

The 2019 Eastern Economic Forum took place in Vladivostok. Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov was a speaker at the session “International Cooperation in Science and Technology: Breakthrough Projects with Asia-Pacific Countries”, which covered the issues of development of the scientific cooperation between Asia-Pacific countries at all levels — interstate and regional ones, between specific organizations, teams and researchers. Participants of the discussion touched upon the issues of maximization of the international scientific and engineering partnership in order to achieve efficient cooperation.

9. Winter Island Workshop

The “Winter Island” was held on December 1-4 in Sochi. The main topic of the workshop was the human potential under digital economy conditions.

The ASU participants took part in the project session of the HR track “Digital Universities: Data, Services, Ecosystems and Integration Models”, while Àleksey Titov, the Head of the Engineering Project Office, told the audience about the production of special-design vessels — amphibious hovercrafts. The project entered top-10 startups of the “Winter Island”.

10. 6th annual national exhibition “VUZPROMEXPO”

Astrakhan State University was the only representative of Astrakhan region at the 6th annual national exhibition, held on December 11-12 at the central fairgrounds “Expocentre” in Moscow. Astrakhan State University presented several projects, including those that are already being implemented in cooperation with university’s partners.

Konstantin Markelov participated in the discussion “Technological Modernization of Enterprises of Agricultural Sector, Food and Processing Industries: Issues of Digital Transformation” with a report on the university’s developments in the agro-industrial complex of Astrakhan region.

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