ASU Student Is Ambassador of Russian Language in the World

ASU Student Is Ambassador of Russian Language in the World

Dmitry Yarmanov, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University, has proved his status at an education and outreach expedition to Kirghizia.

Candidates for participation in the international volunteering programme “Ambassadors of Russian Language in the World” were selected in autumn 2019 in Rostov-on-Don, which involved more than 50 representatives of Russian HEIs. The ASU student passed all the tests decently, became one of the winners of the on-site stage and got an opportunity to visit one of the CIS countries.

The finalists had been prepared for the expedition beforehand. The volunteers learnt about the culture, history and political situation of the countries they were going to visit. The students adopted practices of teaching Russian to foreigners from methodology experts of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, examined the levels of learning Russian in detail and got to know about some efficient teaching techniques.

In Kirghizia, Dmitry Yarmanov was teaching Russian to schoolchildren and was telling them about the Russian culture.

“During the week, we lived in a wonderful place with hospitable people and amazing nature around us. Children met us with smiles on their faces and said good-bye with tears in their eyes, a lot of them still write to us in social networks. Having returned to Russia, we passed to a stage of feedback — we exchanged our experience, proposed our own ideas and just shared impressions. The last day was the most exciting, as it was the official ceremony of awarding where they were to decide who would prove their status of Ambassador of Russian Language,” — said the student.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism