ASU Znamensk Branch Celebrates Students Day

ASU Znamensk Branch Celebrates Students Day

Students, teachers and administrative staff members of the branch got together to celebrate the occasion on January 25. Branch Director Roman Kozyrkov congratulated them on the Russian Students Day and Tatiana Day.

Activists of volunteering and creative unions received certificates and letters of gratitude. Roman Kozyrkov also handed certificates of nominees to the participants of the 4th season of the socialization project “Story of a Star”, where the Znamensk students presented their performance about Nikolay Gogol.

After the official part of the celebration, the students competed in a cooking contest and presented 15 pies for jury assessment. The commission awarded the winners in the categories “The Tastiest Pie”, “The Most Beautiful Pie” and “The Most Original Pie”.

At the end of the celebration, the audience watched a movie Evening School.

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Znamensk Branch of ASU