Participants of ASU Advanced Training Programme Test New Equipment

Participants of ASU Advanced Training Programme Test New Equipment

Equipment and software were procured specially for the study process in the course “Land Resource Management and Land Regulation at Regional and Municipal Levels”.

The programme was implemented at Astrakhan State University within the federal project “Providing Citizens with Continuing Education Programmes in Educational Institutions That Run Additional Educational Programmes and Vocational Programmes” at the ASU Department of Continuing Education.

Classes were given by staff members of the Department of Soil Science, Land Management & Cadasters. A professional extended-precision theodolite RGK T-02 was procured specially for practical classes of the course. It is used for measurement of the ground during the construction, topography mapping and land survey. The programme participants learnt about the specificity of the tool functioning, used it to measure the angles and calculated the coordinates of boundaries landmarks.

Along with the theodolite, the grant, supporting studies and laboratory works within the course, covered procurement of special software which helps form technical and delimitation plans, process geodesic information, develop a graphic design and create a digital topographic model.

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