Teacher of ASU Znamensk Branch Is Awarded by Governor

Teacher of ASU Znamensk Branch Is Awarded by Governor

Professor of the Department of Pedagogics, Psychology & Humanities of the Znamensk Branch of Astrakhan State University Tatiana Vorontsova was awarded the badge of honour “For Professional Merit”.

Tatiana Vorontsova has dedicated all her life to education. She worked in the Chernoyarsky district of Astrakhan region from 1966 to 2004; then, from 2004, she has worked for Astrakhan State University. The teacher has been sharing her outstanding knowledge and skills with students and employees for more than 15 years. She was the first scientist of our region to defend a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogics (1998).

Tatiana Vorontsova has worked as professor of the Department of Pedagogics, Psychology & Humanities of the Znamensk Branch of Astrakhan State University since 2013.

Achievements of the outstanding teacher were acknowledged by the federal and regional authorities many times. In 1999, Tatiana Vorontsova was awarded the honourary title of “Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation”.

Our colleague takes an active part in ASU scientific activities, different-level conferences and seminars at university and beyond. Tatiana Vorontsova organizes and moderates the annual international scientific conference “Learning Environment: Theory & Practice”, the annual international scientific and applied conference “Pedagogics and Education: Dialogue with Time”, she is an experienced tutor for starting teachers and young scientists.

Tatiana Vorontsova was awarded the badge of honour “For Professional Merit” of the Astrakhan Governor for achievements, made over many years of her dedicated work in education and high professionalism.

Znamensk Branch at ASU