Astrakhan State University Establishes New Electronic Journal

Astrakhan State University Establishes New Electronic Journal

Scientific periodical “Caspium Securitatis: Journal of Caspian Sea Security” will dwell on current issues in the sphere of research of the Caspian macroregion security.

Director of the Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research Anna Romanova and Associate Professor of the Department of Culturology Rastyam Aliev presented the concept of the journal at another meeting of the university top-management.

The “Caspium Securitatis: Journal of Caspian Sea Security” will publish materials in the main scientific fields like history, culturology, philosophy, sociology, political science and economics. The editors have determined nine sections:

  • Issues of general theory.
  • National security of the Caspian states.
  • Migration processes.
  • Cultural and religious security.
  • Geopolitical security.
  • National security of Russia.
  • Economic security.
  • Identity in the Caspian Sea space.
  • Ecology of space and society.

According to the editors, scientists from Kalmykiya have already agreed to join the editorial board of the Journal of Caspian Sea Security. Respective invitations also will be sent to colleagues in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran and other countries who are interested in the Caspian research.

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