ASU Representatives Study Ethnic Specificity of Alimentary Culture

ASU Representatives Study Ethnic Specificity of Alimentary Culture

A scientific and applied seminar was held by Vladimir Palatkin, the Director of the Training Centre of Restaurant Service & Catering, at the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work and was attended by teachers and administrative staff of the faculty.

The theoretical part included a discussion on the issue of ethnic culture revival, while the practical component consisted in making Italian salads, Iranian pancakes, Russian second courses and Austrian strudel. Another group of participants united fans of the Thai carving.

Consulting the centre members and discussing theoretical issues of the alimentary culture and culinary niceties of cooking different dishes resulted in a decision to prepare a joint article for an international edition upon results of the scientific and applied seminar. The final collective tasting of the culinary masterpieces was a pleasant conclusion of the event, held at one of the most united faculties of Astrakhan State University.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work