Astrakhan State University Discusses Issues of Smart Waste Management

Astrakhan State University Discusses Issues of Smart Waste Management

A round-table discussion «Environmental Consciousness in Student Community» was held on March 11 in the ASU Assembly Hall. The event was organized under support of the Astrakhan Regional Office of the Association of Students & Student Unions of Russia.

At the event, representatives of social organizations and student self-governance bodies discussed promotion of separate collection of waste and smart waste management. The attendees also considered the challenges, faced by the student community in implementation of environmental projects.

The round-table programme included reports by Head of Green HEIs of Russia programme Irina Tikhonova, Astrasbor project coordinator Aleksandr Irushkin and Astrakhan entrepreneur and Head of Ecograd project Dmitry Bespalov, who presented initiative.

At the end of the discussion, everyone could ask questions of concern and get necessary information on smart waste management.

Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development