ASU Students and Staff Members Recited Poems of Their Favorite Poets

ASU Students and Staff Members Recited Poems of Their Favorite Poets

World Poetry Day is celebrated every year on 21 March. The decision to proclaim this holiday was made by UNESCO in 1999 at the 30th session of the Paris General Conference. On this day, Astrakhan State University held a flash mob called “Poetry unites” in its social networks.

Students, teachers, staff members, graduates — all representatives of the university who are fond of poetry could join the flash mob, because the main purpose of it was to introduce modern people to the art of poetry. Participants had to record a video where they recited their favorite poem and publish it on their VK page with hashtag #ïîýçèÿÀÃÓ or #ASUpoetry or to tag ASU account in Instagram or Facebook stories.

It is noteworthy that students from various faculties joined the Poetry Unites flash mob. The guys recited poems by their favorite poets, such as Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergei Yesenin, Boris Slutsky, Eduard Asadov, Valentin Gaft, Svetlana Bondar and others.

It is worth mentioning that the guys creatively approached the poetic flash mob: a touching performance, original presentation, emotional exclamations, expressing the experience of the author accompanied their declamations.

In addition, ASU staff members collectively recited a poem by Joseph Brodsky “Don’t leave the room...” for the project “ASU recites”, reminding the students of the need to behave properly in a difficult epidemiological situation.

Undoubtedly, poetry unites countries, peoples, cultures and helps people understand each other. Throughout the centuries, thoughts and feelings, clothed in poetic form, penetrate into people’s hearts, reminding them that we are all one big family!


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