Document Submission for Entering ASU Is Extended

Document Submission for Entering ASU Is Extended

Astrakhan State University informs that the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has changed the period of the 2020 admission campaign because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

„The period of entrance examinations and of university admission campaigns in general will be changed. This year, the deadline for document submission for state-funded places will fall on August, 10“, says Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov this Tuesday.

The minister also noted that the first stage of enrollment will be on August 19, while the second one — on August 24.

All school leavers will enter universities, as usual, upon results of the Unified State Examination, the timeframe of which has been changed for this year too — the exams will start on June 8, not on May 25.

„If earlier the deadline for document submission for intramural state-funded studies in Bachelor and Specialist’s degree programmes of Astrakhan State University, as well as of other HEIs of the country, was July 26, now they have determined a new date — August 10, 2020,“ comments Head of the ASU Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission Lyudmila Tovarnichenko.

Valery Falkov believes that if the situation goes well, all the students who’ll be enrolled at universities will start their studies on September 1.

Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission

Source: materials of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation