ASU Journalism Students Join All-Russia Campaign

ASU Journalism Students Join All-Russia Campaign

The social initiative#thankyouteacher has drawn attention of media-experts-to-be while they were monitoring the Net, which is their daily task. Students of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University also expressed gratitude to their professors.

The online campaign involved schoolchildren from different cities and regions. They try supporting their teachers, who have to give classes online and to get used to the new reality under extreme conditions, with kind words.

The organizers believe that like doctors, teachers deserve gratitude.

After the 2-day online scientific conference, where professors of the ASU Department of Theory & History of Journalism held a professional dialogue with students of all years of study, it became clear that everyone misses personal communication with each other and the traditional study process. This caused a wave of gratitude, and a well-known hashtag #thankyouteacherwas followed by a new one — #thankyouprofessor. Using social media, the journalism students thanked their mentors for their efforts and for the level of studies that has remained as high as it was before self-isolation.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism