ASU Bards Do Honour to the Memory of War Victims

ASU Bards Do Honour to the Memory of War Victims

The student bard club have recorded an online concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The festive programme titled “Memory” was prepared by students and professors of the university, as well as by Astrakhan schoolchildren.

Without leaving their home, the performers made videos of their singing and reciting poems about the war events and the hardship of our people.

The concert included songs that seem to be an indispensable part of the Victory Day. The bard members also performed modern songs, written in honor of the Victory Day.

Before starting to performWe Need the Victory Only, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov congratulated everyone on this significant day and stressed that, despite self-isolation in our country and impossibility to get together in a concert hall, the concert could not but took place.

“This year, we’re celebrating the 75th anniversary of this great date. Unfortunately, a lot of veterans who had survived those hard days and restored our country after 1945, passed away, including professors of Astrakhan State University. We’ll always remember them and will celebrate this holy day. Our concert is a tribute to all heroes,” said the rector.

Find a full version of the online concert here.

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