ASU Teachers and Students Can Attend WIPO Webinars Free of Charge

ASU Teachers and Students Can Attend WIPO Webinars Free of Charge

On May 15 and 19, experts of the World Intellectual Property Organization Office in Russia will tell the webinar participants about the rules of grant application submission and niceties of expert evaluation. BothwebinarswillbeinRussian.

Online lecture “PCT System: International Search. AdditionalInternationalSearch. InternationalPreliminaryEvaluation” isheldonMay 15, 2020. Speakers will provide withsome recommendations on a choice of aninternational search authority and information on the functions of these authorities. They also discuss the issues of compliance with the requirement for unity of invention and cases when the international search is not held. Besides, programme manager of the PCT International Cooperation Division Olga Krysanova will touch upon the issue of reasonability of submitting a request for additional international search and its peculiarities.

Use the link to register for participation.

Webinar “Submission of International Application” within the framework of the Madrid System is held on May 19, 2020. It will provide participants with an overall idea about the structure and content of an international application for trademark registration and will help them learn about the main resources of WIPO that may be useful for filling in the application. The lecture will be held by staff members of the Madrid Operations Division of WIPO GannaChaban and Ekaterina Ivlieva.

Use the link to register for participation.

Engineering Project Office