Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Victory Day

Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Victory Day

Dear colleagues, students of Astrakhan State University, dear veterans! Please accept my warmest and sincerest congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory!

For many years, Victory Day has been the holiest holiday for all citizens of our country. Recall: in almost four years, the Great Patriotic War carried away more than 26 million lives. Recall the ones who fought the Nazis at the front, who fought as part of partisan units, who suffered in enemy concentration camps. Recall the ones who worked on the home front sleeplessly and tirelessly, recall the ones who reached Berlin and Prague and saved sky and earth for us. Peaceful sky and peaceful earth! Deepest gratitude to them all. And as for us, we are bequeathed to remember a great feat performed by our grandfathers. To remember and to take care of our Motherland.

On this holy day, I wish you all peace, first of all. Let this Victory fill our hearts with pride and inspire us to good deeds only and infinite love for the homeland.

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov