Students of the ASU Faculty of Social Communications Recall Heroism of Their Fellow Countrymen

Students of the ASU Faculty of Social Communications Recall Heroism of Their Fellow Countrymen

On the threshold of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, students prepared presentations in remembrance of the Astrakhan people that were engaged in active combat. The work was done within the academic training course of the major “Cultorological Education”.

In their presentations, 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Social Communications spoke about their relatives, soldiers and monuments erected in Astrakhan inhonor of the events of 1941-1945 — the memorial tank T-34 on the Victory Boulevard, stele “To Astrakhan Heroes Fallen in War Time” and others.

“Each family has its heroes, people who were not afraid of taking the risk or even giving their lives for the sake of peace on Earth. Time moves on, and there are less veterans with each year. However, we’ll always remember their heroic deeds, enormous moral courage and self-sacrifice,” say the students.

Faculty of Social Communications