ASU Law Students Speak about Punitive Measures against Those Who Break Self-Isolation

ASU Law Students Speak about Punitive Measures against Those Who Break Self-Isolation

On May 7, Astrakhan State University held a round table discussion “Criminal and Administrative Liability during Pandemic”, organized by the Law Faculty. The event has held online.

Participants of the round table discussed the issues of liability for breaking the rules of lockdown and self-isolation and spread of fake news and for illegal overpricing for facemasks and medicines. They also considered the issues of violation of rights during the period of the COVID-19 spread. Developing measures on prevention of new types of fraud that are appearing during the pandemic was a particular issue under consideration.

The event involved more than 30 participants. Upon results of the discussion, they developed an instruction sheet for the population on the cases of criminal and administrative liability and the punitive measures against those who break self-isolation and lockdown.

Law Faculty