Deputy Chair of Regional Government Has a Look at ASU Innovative Developments

Deputy Chair of Regional Government Has a Look at ASU Innovative Developments

Today, Astrakhan State University has welcomed Deputy Chair of the Astrakhan Government Dmitry Ovchinnikov. Rector Konstantin Markelov and vice rectors presented the educational and engineering potential of the university to the guest and outlined some plans for further cooperation.

The ASU administration showed the main structural units of the university to the distinguished guest.

In the Robotic Engineering Laboratory, Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics Aleksey Rybakov told the guest about scientific developments of students and professors of the university.

Besides, the distinguished guest was shown the technical innovations of the university, including in the sphere of robotic engineering. The deputy chair commended a high level of the infrastructure of Astrakhan State University and stressed that innovations of this level must be known both at regional and at federal levels, and suggested that the news on ASU scientists’ developments and achievements are included into the positive news feed for the Russian media.

Dmitry Ovchinnikov was especially impressed by the developments of the Innovative Technological Centre to Create Multimedia Content, where he was shown how human biomechanics is studied with the use of the unit’s capabilities.

Then the guest was told about activities of the ASU Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation that trains highly skilled T & I specialists.

At the end of the excursion, the guest was shown the swimming pool of Astrakhan State University.

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