ASU Provides Its Students with Opportunity to Work for University

ASU Provides Its Students with Opportunity to Work for University

Another meeting of the top management of Astrakhan State University took place yesterday, on June 8. One of the main points in the agenda was the issue of organization of temporary employment of university’s students and formation of students’ work teams.

According to ASU Vice Rector for Extracurricular & Social Activities Farida Rekesheva, now the university runs the student employment office: every week, the official website of the university updates its list of external and internal vacancies for students, providing with the employers’ contacts and information on the wages.

Addressing the deans, the vice rector specified that only graduates of Astrakhan State University may be employed.

As for temporary employment of students, 15 students will be employed to the ASU Admissions Office soon. Students will work remotely — they will provide the applicants with consultations on the phone or social media, process phone calls and incoming inquiries. Another five people will maintain the ASU garden in the Educational Experimental Facility “Nachalo”.

“I’m asking the deans to pay attention to the issue both of temporary and of permanent employment of ASU students. It provides our students with an opportunity to work, including to earn money for their education. We also need to work out a permanent student construction team so that our students can work on all major repairs sites throughout the year. Some HEIs already have such an experience. Besides, the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education highly recommends it — they ask us to ensure our students’ employment on these sites,” says Rector Konstantin Markelov.

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