ASU UNESCO Chair: in 2022, Committee Will Meet in Kazan, while Youth Model — in St. Petersburg

ASU UNESCO Chair: in 2022, Committee Will Meet in Kazan, while Youth Model — in St. Petersburg

The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO is ready to consider Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University as one of the venues for the 2022 Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, announced Commission Executive Secretary Grigory Ordzhonikidze during his visit to the university.

Analyzing the modern tendencies, Grigory Ordzhonikidze noted that modern education is going through the hard times: the COVID pandemic has frozen many processes, intervened in the curricula and set new challenges for the academic community.

Speaking about the importance of cooperation between the UNESCO Chairs and with the UNESCO Secretariat, Grigory Ordzhonikidze drew attention to the project “Prospects of Education”. This initiative is aimed at rethinking of what the education and knowledge will be in the future, before 2050 and after it, and at ensuring the commonweal.

The speaker also said that the initiative of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO to hold the 2022 Session of World Heritage Committee in Russia had been supported by the president and government of our country.

Participants of the online conference presented their experience, developments and positive practices of organizing the study process within UNESCO activities. One of the urgent topics was an idea to implement educational programmes with the use of distance learning technologies. Besides, they presented reports on the experience of organization of distance learning in the UNESCO Associated Schools, priority areas, challenges and prospects of cooperation between the UNESCO Chairs for sustainable development and other issues.

Source: materials of the PR Service of SPbPU