ASU Znamensk Branch Works Productively under Lockdown

ASU Znamensk Branch Works Productively under Lockdown

This structural unit has been developing distance learning with different information and telecommunication technologies for some years. However, the approach to organization of online classes has become more sound due to the lockdown situation in the country and worldwide.

Professors are giving daily lectures and seminars and holding exams online. Students of the branch are also taking part in scientific conferences and cultural events.

Students of all forms of study succeed in coping with their duties — they master different Internet technologies, for example Zoom. Moodle online application is the most widespread tool of distance learning — it is used to create specialized platforms for students’ assignments.

Graduating students seem to be in the hardest situation as they have faced serious challenges at the very final lap of their studies. It’s not that convenient to discuss some details of a Bachelor’s degree thesis with the scientific supervisor online. However, it’s necessary to provide security both for students and for professors. The professors and administrative staff make sure that the online defence of graduation theses will be as comfortable for all participants of this important event as possible.

As for prospective students, the branch has already started its admission campaign. You can send your documents to the university via e-mail

Znamensk Branch of ASU