ASU Graduates of 2020 Are Invited to Take Part in All-Russia Student Online Graduation Ceremony

ASU Graduates of 2020 Are Invited to Take Part in All-Russia Student Online Graduation Ceremony

The large-scale event for all HEIs of the country is being held on June 27. It is organized by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Autonomous Commercial Organization “Russia — Country of Opportunities” and the Russian Rectors’ Union. The event programme includes broadcasting of the concert, greetings from public officials, performance items, an intellectual quiz and flash mobs.

One can not only attend the concert as a viewer but also take a direct part in it. Students from different cities of Russia have a chance to send their greetings, staying home, to all the graduates online.

The concert programme also includes broadcasting of some videos with the best student concert items, online greetings from the guests and public awareness videos. In order to take part in the concert, post a video with your performance with hashtags #ÑòóäÂèçèòêà #ÑòóäÂûïóñêíîé2020, #ÌèíîáðíàóêèÐîññèè #ÐîññèÿÑòðàíàÂîçìîæíîñòåé and tag the accounts and on VKontakte until June 18, 2020. Your video must meet the technical requirements.

The best videos will be selected by the organizers for the online concert programme.

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