ASU Scientist Will Demonstrate His Developments at Forum “Engineers of the Future 2020”

ASU Scientist Will Demonstrate His Developments at Forum “Engineers of the Future 2020”

The 9th international youth industrial event is taking place online on July 16-30 and it’s the first time it will be available for wide audience.

The event programme includes open online meetings with chiefs of state corporations, heads and experts of the largest enterprises and engineering industry organizations.

Astrakhan State University will be represented by Head of the Engineering Project Office Aleksey Titov. He will tell the audience about the university’s project activities and about some opportunities of getting the state support for project development. Aleksey Titov dwelled on this issue in detail on June 3 in his report at the 3rd webinar-marathon (registration required) for business support “My Business”, organized by the RF Ministry of Economic Development together with Synergy Corporation. The ASU representative shared his experiences and real practical tips along with other experts and businesspersons who are well-known at federal and regional levels.

The programme also includes competitions and challenges in social media and online master-classes from famous actors, movie directors and members of the art community. Besides, participants will learn some secrets of champions’ workout and watch unique video lectures.

Engineering Project Office