RAS Supports Strategic Academic Leadership Programme

RAS Supports Strategic Academic Leadership Programme

Yesterday, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksandr Sergeev promised to take an active part in implementation of this important initiative of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education on behalf the academy.

“The Russian Academy of Sciences is ready to provide comprehensive scientific and methodological support to the programme, both in establishment of partnership and consortia and in provision of academic platforms of our units to discuss programmes on development of these associations. We are ready to form academic supervisory councils in universities, work in these universities and so on,” noted the RAS president.

According to Aleksandr Sergeev, the academy’s ties with universities have been a tradition of the national science. Based on it, the Russian Academy of Sciences is ready to take an active part in implementation of the new initiative.

It should be recalled that earlier RF Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov presented the Strategic Academic Leadership Programme, based on the principles of integration and cooperation between scientific and educational institutions, as well as on the ideas of competitiveness and openness. Discussion on the programme was the main point of agenda at the meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Source: materials of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation