ASU Representative Shares His Experience of Organizing Digital Learning with Colleagues

ASU Representative Shares His Experience of Organizing Digital Learning with Colleagues

June 25, Head of the Project Office for Digitalization & Information Policy of Astrakhan State University Sergey Buzychkin took part in a panel discussion within the 7th Professor’s Summer School of Urait educational platform.

The discussion, involving top officials of leading HEIs of Russia, dwelled on an issue formulated as “Transformation of Higher Education under Pandemic: from Shock to Digital Pedagogics”.

During the online meeting, experts found out what important changes had occurred in universities over the last three months, what challenges the heads of educational institutions had faced and how they saw the nearest future of education.

According to Sergey Buzychkin, digital technologies made us look into colleagues’ methodological materials in a completely new way. Transparency and publicity are making the professors work thoroughly on their online courses. The speaker also stressed that the pandemic had had a beneficial effect on the level of students’ digitalization. Besides, the expert recommended that colleagues didn’t forget that distance-learning communication implies both professor-student and professor-professor interaction.

The discussion participants also touched upon such pressing issues of the last months as a new mission of universities in the post-pandemic period, correlation between traditional and distance-learning forms in educational institutions of the future, cooperation between HEIs, students and the vacancy market and so on.

Directorate of Information Policy

Source: materials of Urait educational platform