ASU Rector Handed Diplomas to 12 Best Graduates of University

ASU Rector Handed Diplomas to 12 Best Graduates of University

Yesterday, the already former Bachelor and Master’s degree students and Ph.D. candidates of Astrakhan State University received their documents of education in a solemn ceremony.

This year’s insecure epidemiological situation made it impossible to hold traditional ceremonies of awarding diplomas for each faculty. That is why a general online graduation ceremony was held for all the graduates, and an offline ceremony was organized for the most outstanding students.

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov congratulated the graduates with the completion of their studies and expressed his hope forfurther relations with them.

“You have filled another page in the history of the university with your academic and social achievements, and I would like to believe that your story will continue, especially since we’re going to create an alumni club this year,” noted the rector.

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