Astrakhan State University Offers Additional Competences to Gain
The ASU Department of Continuing Education is launching new project “SkillsLAB Laboratory” in the upcoming academic year. It is a pool of educational programmes that favour development of creative thinking, skills of project and team work, business competences and a lot more.
Being trained in the project programmes, students of higher and vocational education institutions can gain additional knowledge and competences that will further help strengthen professional positions and find an interesting job, improve competitiveness and favour personal growth and development.
SkillsLAB Laboratory is meant for students of higher and vocational education institutions. Its objective is to gain and develop soft skills and supra-professional competences in specialists-to-be. The project includes programmes on general development and advanced training programmes.
One of the main activities of the laboratory is programmes aimed at gaining knowledge in psychology which help gain skills of project management, stress management, time management, leadership competences and teamwork skills.
Contact the ASU Department of Continuing Education to participate in the project and become an attendee of the programmes: 8 (8512) 24-64-83 or by å-mail: (marked “Soft Skills Laboratory”).