ASU Representatives Can Compete in 100 Urban Leaders Project

ASU Representatives Can Compete in 100 Urban Leaders Project

#URBANSPRINT marathon among students of Russian universities will take place from August, 10 to September, 11 within the framework of forum “Strong Ideas for New Times”, held by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives; its participants will propose solutions for tasks of new urban development in the format of a case championship.

Deadline for registration of student teams: September, 3.

An online conference, aimed at activating the student community for participation in the competition, will be held on September, 1 at 17h00 — representatives of the partner universities of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives will get detailed information on the principles of participating in the competition and the registration procedure, as well as on creation of participating teams at universities.

The online conference will include speeches by representatives of the ASI Centre of Urban Competences: Director Tatiana Zhuravleva, Head of educational programmes Iliya Tokarev and head of the analytical group Ruslan Gayfullin.

Use the link to learn more about the competition and register for it.

Directorate of Strategic Development & Priority Programs Realization