Astrakhan State University Opens Gallery of Honorary Professors

Astrakhan State University Opens Gallery of Honorary Professors

The official ceremony of the exposition opening has taken place today, on September 1, in the hall of the main building’s first floor, where the first ten portraits of the honored figures of the university were hung.

The title of Honorary Professor of Astrakhan State University is held by the people who have made a great contribution to the university’s development and have significant merits for it. From now on, portraits of the outstanding people will greet the students, professors and guests of the university every day, giving them an indisputable example of work for the sake of science.

Opening the gallery, the ASU rector noted that the history of the university should be known in the first instance by its students.

The first excursion across the gallery was held by 4th-year student of the ASU Historical Faculty Yulia Burmistrova. She told the guests about each honorary professor, their lives, hobbies and merits for the university.

The unique project has been put into life thanks to the cooperation of ASU with artist Boris Medvedev, who created a series of portraits of Astrakhan State University’s rectors. The project is planned to be further developed, and the gallery will be enlarged with portraits of other honorary professors — now the university has more than 40 of them.

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