ASU Representatives Take Part in Sberbank Summer Digital School

ASU Representatives Take Part in Sberbank Summer Digital School

In 2020, Sberbank has launched a special programme of advanced training for professors of the partner universities. Having passed the competitive selection, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office Aleksandr Koshkarov and Head of the Directorate of Informatization & Digital Technologies Ivan Nikulshin represented Astrakhan State University at the educational workshop.

The studies lasted 2 months — the programme included online courses and webinars. Three educational tracks — Data Science, Data Engineering and Java Development — were organized within the summer digital school. The course was delivered by practicing experts — staff members of the Sberbank Data Research & Management Centre, and professors of Sberbank Corporate University.

Upon successful competition of the summer school programme, the participants received advanced training certificates.

“I really liked the way the educational process was organized in the summer school. There were practicing experts among the professors; based on their own experience, they explained some practical aspects of using machine learning in business processes. I chose Data Science track, which is close to me, and didn’t regret at all. We’ll be able to implement some of the ideas in organizing the study process in this field at ASU. The programme designers strongly encourage it,” — Aleksandr Koshkarov shared his impressions.

Artificial Intelligence Project Office