ASU Representatives Discuss Current Issues of Power Industry

ASU Representatives Discuss Current Issues of Power Industry

Interuniversity scientific conference “Energy efficiency. Cenology. Ecology and Energy Security”, organized by Astrakhan State University and the Academy of Electrical Engineering Sciences of Russia, has been held online on Zoom platform, which allowed to involve the maximum number of participants from other cities.

At the conference, our region was represented by Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing & Utility Services of Astrakhan region Olga Boyprav, ASU Vice Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova, Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics and Chair of the conference organizing committee Aleksey Rybakov, Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering Technologies Nikolay Vybornov and head of the ASU Research & Educational Center “Alternative Energy”, Deputy Chair of the conference organizing committee Larisa Zaynutdinova.

The conference participants discussed the issues of ensuring energy efficiency, eco-friendliness and energy security under conditions of the transaction to decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization of power industry. They

worked in sections “Energy Efficiency & Energy Supply”, “Cenology. Methodological Issues of Cenology in Fundamental and Applied Research” and “Ecology and Energy Security”.

The programmes also included a public meeting of Scientific & Industrial Unit 15 “Issues of Higher Electrical Engineering Education” of the Academy of Electrical Engineering Sciences of Russia, focusing on the issues of using the potential of e-learning in higher electrical engineering education under current conditions.

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering Technologies