ASU and Samara Polytech Will Develop Joint Project on Volga Reclamation

ASU and Samara Polytech Will Develop Joint Project on Volga Reclamation

During today’s visit to Astrakhan State University, Rector of Samara State Technical University Dmitry Bykov and the ASU top-management, professors and researchers discussed some issues of cooperation within the preparation for the Strategic Academic Leadership Programme (SALP) in category “Ecology”.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Chair of the Astrakhan Government Dmitry Ovchinnikov and Minister of Education and Science of Astrakhan region Vitaly Gutman.

Dmitry Bykov said that he took a close look at the proposal of Astrakhan State University for SALP and presented an idea of Samara Polytech on developing a joint project on the Volga river reclamation.

Scientists of Astrakhan State University stressed the importance of the proposed project both for the region and for the country in general and expressed their readiness to get involved into its implementation. Vice-Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova noted that ASU pays great attention to environmental issues, which is connected with the geographical location of the region, among other things.

Deputy Chair of the Astrakhan Government Dmitry Ovchinnikov also marked out a strongly pronounced practical importance of the project.

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