ASU Discusses Role of Emotional Intellect in Human Life

ASU Discusses Role of Emotional Intellect in Human Life

A lecture by Director-General of KIT FILM Company, Moscow, Olga de Broqueville was one of the events organized on the occasion of the anniversary of the Boiling Point Centre foundation at Astrakhan State University. The business coach spoke about emotional intellect and the right decision-making based on it.

The lecture participants — Astrakhan managers, heads of organizations, entrepreneurs and ASU students — learned about the relation between emotional and cognitive components in decision-making, ways of finding a balance between the emotional and rational approaches and differences between men and women’s emotions. The speaker shared some useful techniques on arranging the work with employees and mood control. Olga de Broqueville also showed the participants some formulas of motivation and algorithms of objective fulfillment.

As Olga de Broqueville said, the lecture was met with strong interest among the participants. It helped many of them choose a proper managing method and get ready-to-use tools for further work.

It should be noted that Olga de Broqueville also gave classes for participants of the ASU presidential programme for training managerial HR on October 20 and 21.

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