ASU and Guilan Science and Technology Park Hold a Joint Webinar

ASU and Guilan Science and Technology Park Hold a Joint Webinar

International online seminar “Technology Transfer Offices and Intellectual Property: Opportunities and Challenges in the Caspian Sea Region” took place at the Boiling Point Centre of Astrakhan State University. The event was held under the aegis of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries.

The webinar involved partner universities (members of the association) from Azerbaijan, Iran and Kazakhstan, as well as Russian HEIs that are interested in exchange of international best practices in intellectual property and technology transfer.

The webinar programme included presentations on relevant issues concerning technology transfer with the reports by international experts from the World Intellectual Property Organization. For example, International Lawyer, Adviser & Speaker of international organizations and the EU Sanaz Javadi Farahzadi (Geneva, Switzerland) presented a report on topic “Intellectual Property Management for Universities and Research Institutions”.

Astrakhan State University was represented by Head of the Engineering Project Office Aleksey Titov. His presentation on topic “Technology Entrepreneurship” was met with great interest among the foreign audience and other speakers of the webinar.

The 6-hour meeting ended with a presentation by President of BioProperty Strategy Group, WIPO Senior Adviser and Professor at Cornell University (New York, USA) Dr. Richard S. Cahoon on topic “IP-based Technology Transfer at Public Sector Research Institutions: Lessons Learned from 40 years of U.S. Experience”.

Project Office of International Cooperation and Development