ASU Holds Creative Works Competition for Students from Uzbekistan

ASU Holds Creative Works Competition for Students from Uzbekistan

The competition was organized by the Faculty of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University on October, 30 within the framework of implementation of project “Intellectual and Creative Competitions as a Basis to Form Stable Interest to Study Russian among Non-Native Speakers”, supported by the Ministry of Enlightenment of Russia.

123 students of Karakalpak State University (Nukus, Uzbekistan) took part in the competition of creative works “Great, Powerful, Faithful and Free Russian Language” remotely.

Dean of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism and Chair of the organizing committee Lyudmila Kasiyanova welcomed the foreign students who expressed their wish to share some thoughts about the role of Russian in the modern world and its importance for international communication, and thanked her colleagues from Uzbekistan for all the arrangements they made to organize the event.

The students had an hour and a half to write their create works on the Russian language, what they did with great enthusiasm. The competition was broadcasted from two venues at Karakalpak State University. Upon completion of the competition, all the scanned works were forwarded to the ASU jury members.

Therefore, the competition of creative works “Great, Powerful, Faithful and Free Russian Language” kicked start to a series of international meetings that favour formation of a stable interest to study Russian among non-native speakers.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism