Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on National Unity Day to ASU

Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on National Unity Day to ASU

Dear friends! On November 4, our country celebrates an important holiday that reminds us of time-honoured traditions of patriotism, sense of nationhood and unity of our multi-ethnic people. It is especially remarkable for the Astrakhan citizens because representatives of a wide variety of ethnicities have lived in our region from time out of mind. We all live in peace and harmony and remain a united nation with a common historical past and future.

Astrakhan State University has always been active in strengthening long-term traditions of friendship and cooperation between peoples. The doors of our university are always open for foreign citizens who want to get quality higher education and for representatives of different countries, including ones of the Caspian region, who are eager to implement joint projects.

ASU organizes international conferences and expert meetings on a regular basis. In particular, last year the university held forum “Prospects of Developing Cooperation between Sister Cities of Caspian States”, a week of debates within the Caspian Model UN and forum “Caspian Sea Region in the 21st Century: Ways of Sustainable Development” with discussion of strategically important issues of the Caspian region. In September 2020, ASU organized #FamilyEthnoAcademy, a youth district-wide workshop dedicated to national traditions and values.

I am sure that the fruitful work for building friendly international relations for the peace in our region and country will go on. Everyone should remember that only together can we achieve our goals and cope with any challenges.

Dear professors and staff members, dear students! Let me wholeheartedly thank you for your aspiration for peaceful cooperation and strengthening of nation-wide cohesion. I wish you good health, goodness, joy and success in all spheres of life.

Happy National Unity Day!

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov