Astrakhan State University Shares Strong Ideas in Moscow

Astrakhan State University Shares Strong Ideas in Moscow

All-Russia Forum “Strong Ideas for New Times”, organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and Roscongress Foundation“, has started in Moscow. Authors of 100 most promising projects, representatives of regional and federal authorities, large businesses and NGOs, bloggers and opinion leaders, chiefs of state-owned companies were invited to take part in the on-site stage of the event. ASU is represented by Rector Konstantin Markelov and Head of the Engineering Project Office Aleksey Titov.

The 3-day programme includes a plenary session and sessions on seven areas: “Modern Economy”, “New Technological Strategy”, “New Competences”, “New Urban Development”, “New Social Strategy”, “New Youth Agenda” and “New Ideas for Business”, as well as presentation of the projects that were qualified on crowd-platform

The discussion participants will dwell on the current challenges for Russia and the world in 2020 and their possible solutions.

At the forum, Head of the ASU Engineering Project Office Aleksey Titov also get a chance to present his project “Maritime Multi-Purpose Unmanned Platform” which entered top-100 of the expert selection and popular vote. During the battle between the project authors (leaders of the competition) he had a minute and a half to tell the audience about the importance of the unmanned system for development of the Russian economy and for gaining leadership at the market of maritime intellectual systems. To be fully launched, the project needs a financial support of 170 million RUB.

Directorate of Information Policy

Engineering Project Office