Konstantin Markelov Speaks about Promotion of Engineering Education at ASU

Konstantin Markelov Speaks about Promotion of Engineering Education at ASU

The UNESCO Chair of Russian University of Transport organized an international conference, dedicated to the role of transport science and education in the social and ethic policy. The videoconference dialogue involves experts of large organizations and universities of nine countries — Belarus, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, USA, Ukraine and France. The ASU rector is also among the speakers of the conference.

The event is being held under support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Coordination Committee of UNESCO Chairs, BRITA international transport alliance. It is timed to the memorable date — the 75th anniversary of the foundation the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

In his report, ASU Rector and Chairman of the UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Konstantin Markelov told the participants about formation of a partnership-based system of engineering education at university and in the region in general.

The programme of conference “Role of Transport Science and Education in Ensuring Social, Environmental and Technological Sustainability of Societies’ Development”, which ensures intrauniversity interaction on UNESCO affairs, also included reports by other experts. University professors discussed the prospects and accessibility of railway and water transport systems in different countries, as well as the issues of environmental and technosphere security.

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