ASU Representatives Speak about Alternative Energy Use at University

ASU Representatives Speak about Alternative Energy Use at University

Scientists of Astrakhan State University have participated online in the all-Russia conference and 12th scientific youth school “Renewable Sources of Energy”. The events took place at the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The conference programme included reports by leading experts in solar, wind and geothermal energy, small hydropower, bioenergy, economy and ecology of renewable energy, etc.

The event was attended by scientists, professors, Bachelor and Master’s degree students and Ph.D. candidates of leading HEIs of the country. Astrakhan State University was represented by staff members of the Research & Educational Center “Alternative Energy” and Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Automatics Sergey Bratyshev, Vladimir Ilyichev and Iliya Shurshev. They presented their report “Solar and Wind Power Plant for Outdoor Lighting of Astrakhan State University”. The study dwells on the development of alternative energy at ASU and presents the prospects of development of this area in Astrakhan region.

Institute of Physics & Mathematics