ASU Peter’s Readings of This Year Dedicated to 75th Anniversary of Victory

ASU Peter’s Readings of This Year Dedicated to 75th Anniversary of Victory

On November 27, Astrakhan State University held international scientific conference “Historical Truth and Memory of Great Patriotic War”.

Reports were presented by staff members of the Astrakhan State Achieve, Astrakhan State Medical University and Astrakhan State University. Besides, the conference was attended online by representatives of Belarus, Donetsk People’s Republic, Iran, Luhansk People’s Republic, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia.

Opening the conference, ASU Vice Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova stressed that it is necessary to remember the history of our peoples and our country.

Dean of the Historical Faculty Elena Timofeeva told the audience about the history of the conference and its format, which was called “Peter’s Readings” for a good reason, since it was Peter the Great and his reforms that helped Astrakhan change its vector of development, which was a point of growth for our city.

The conference speakers touched upon a broad range of topics, connected with the Great Patriotic War.

The conference will result in publication of proceedings which will include, among other scientific works, research papers of Donetsk schoolchildren and the winners of Internet project “Defenders of the Fatherland”, organized by the ASU Historical Faculty.

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