ASU Takes Part in 13th Education Week of SCO Member States

ASU Takes Part in 13th Education Week of SCO Member States

The event is organized by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, RUDN University and the Government of Novosibirsk region. The topic of the international meeting, involving SCO member states, is “Education without Borders”. Representatives of Astrakhan State University also joined the event online.

The opening ceremony, which took place on December 1, was attended by representatives of the SCO Secretariat, ministries of education (science) of the SCO member states and heads of the leading HEIs of the SCO University.

The major event of the second day of the Education Weak was a meeting of the SCO University rectors. Representatives of the Russian HEIs that are partners of the SCO University considered the peculiarities of the new admission campaign and presented their reports on the priority areas of training. At the meeting, Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov noted that our university is actively joining different projects and submits applications for receiving quotas of the SCO University on a regular basis.

Along with the meeting of the Russian rectors of the SCO University, the Education Week programme of the first two days included plenary session “Transformation of Higher Education in SCO Member States in Conditions of Instability”, where representatives of some specialized agencies and rectors of the leading HEIs of the SCO University discussed the issues of cooperation under modern conditions, as well as a round table of SCO University students.

Today, on December 3, the baton was passed to Novosibirsk, where the international scientific conference of the SCO University is taking place. The conference includes expert discussions, online master classes and lectures with open participation. Astrakhan State University will be represented there by Vice Rector for Innovations and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov, who is also to deliver a report during the event.

Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: website of the Russia’s Presidency in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Highe