ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Enters Davydov.Index Ranking Again

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Enters Davydov.Index Ranking Again

The expert network has published top-50 chiefs of Russian HEIs who were mentioned in the media in September 2020.

Konstantin Markelov ranked 25th — last month, his name was mentioned in mass media 20 times according to the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation and Davydov.Index,

Konstantin Markelov entered Davydov.Index ranking for the first time in September 2020.

Konstantin Markelov has been heading Astrakhan State University since February 2018, and in August 2019 he was officially appointed to the position of ASU rector for the period of 5 years.

From the very beginning of his work for the university, Konstantin Markelov has been keeping to the policy of information openness, maintaining his personal accounts in social media. A special open online community has been functioning since March 2020, where ASU students and professors can send their proposals on improving the study process and university life in general. The rector answers the questions himself and literally keeps his finger on the pulse of university life.

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