ASU Representative Participates as Expert in Educator Skills Digital Transformation Discussion

ASU Representative Participates as Expert in Educator Skills Digital Transformation Discussion

The pandemic has boosted transformations in higher educational institutions. Addressing the tasks connected with universities’ digital readiness under the unfavourable epidemiological conditions was the main topic under discussion at the all-Russia conference of universities’ IT leaders which took place on December, 8.

The conference programme included round table “Pandemic Effect on Digital Development of Higher Education System: Best Practices and Mechanisms of Transition to Digital Transformation of Higher Educational Institutions” and panel discussion “Transformation of Skills and Competences of University Administration and Professors in Digital Era”.

Head of the ASU Project Office for Digitalization & Information Policy Sergey Buzychkin took part in the panel discussion as an expert upon the invitation of Director of the RUDN Science and Education Digital Development Institute Antony Shvindt.

Representatives of various universities considered peculiarities of the changing educational process in times of the pandemic, shared their experience of shifting to remote education, presented some practical solutions, used to organize interaction with the students. They got particularly interested in the issues of applying e-learning systems, using videoconference services, an access to electronic educational resources and organization of digital volunteering.

Project Office for Digitalization & Information Policy