Konstantin Markelov Is Unanimously Re-elected President of Transport & Logistics Consortium

Konstantin Markelov Is Unanimously Re-elected President of Transport & Logistics Consortium

The voting took place during another meeting of the consortium, bringing together chiefs of 15 universities of Southern Russia that are members of the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions. Participants of the meeting also summed up the results of the consortium’s activities in 2020 and outlined a work plan for 2021.

All the representatives of the HEIs that attended the meeting supported the candidature of the rector of Astrakhan State University.

The main point of the agenda was a discussion on the role and objectives of the university community in the development of the International North—South Transport Corridor, providing it with efficient services and modern tools. They also discussed organization of a new special economic port zone in Astrakhan region.

The speakers of the meeting shared their ideas, developments and modern approaches in addressing the tasks of transport industry in the coming years. They also presented reports on the experience of training transport and logistics HR.

Besides, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov summed up the results of the outgoing year, spoke about numerous events and forums, held at the member universities and aimed at introduction of new educational technologies, networking and HR professional training.

Directorate of Information Policy