ASU Representatives Discuss Global Challenges of Digital Era with Colleagues

ASU Representatives Discuss Global Challenges of Digital Era with Colleagues

Discussions took place within the 12th international scientific and applied seminar “Dialogue of Civilizations and Intercultural Cooperation”, organized by Moscow Pedagogical State University under support of the Secretariat of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs, Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities and Nationalities Affairs Council under the Moscow Government.

Expert session “Integration and Education: Global Challenges and Regional Policies”, held on the first day of the seminar, became a platform to exchange the opinions of Russian and foreign UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs on the issues of intercultural education. The session was attended by Director of the ASU Department “UNESCO Chair Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Irina Tarasova.

On the second day of the seminar, Dean of the ASU Faculty of Social Communications Lyudmila Baeva presented report “Education Digitalization in the Context of Social Sustainability and Security Issues” within launch session “Intercultural Dialogue in Education”.

In her speech, the ASU professor focused on the connection between digitalization issues at all levels of education and social sustainability, security risks and concerns for people. Lyudmila Baeva’s report was connected with the topic of ASU project “EU and Russia’s Strategy of Sustainable Development” within Jean Monnet programme, and with the scope of the UNESCO Chair at Astrakhan State University, which is directly oriented on the university’s teaching mission is society.

Department «UNESCO Chair «Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development»

Faculty of Social Communications