Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Christmas Greetings to ASU

Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Christmas Greetings to ASU

I wholeheartedly send my greetings to all Orthodox professors, students and administrative staff of Astrakhan State University on the most festive and kindest holiday of Christmas!

This day is full of warmth of our homes and love of our families, kindness and compassion, joy and hope. Love and forgiveness are ruling the world at Christmas, and our souls are full of only heartwarming feelings. Spend this time with your family and friends, people you care about, remember all together about the most important and eternal things.

May the holy light of Christmas illumine your homes and help care more about each other and value life in all its manifestations. May all insults and quarrels be forgotten, may peace and harmony rule on your native soil at all times.

I sincerely wish you good Christmas mood, peace, goodness and well-being, good health, optimism, high spirits and energy for implementing all your worthy endeavours.

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov